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Barbie Hallem is a bored rich girl, who drinks too much, parties too much and flirts outrageously with any man she meets. And there's no reason to think she stops at flirting, even though she has a boyfriend. But her boyfriend is a drip. He won't punch out a guy when he sees her kissing him. The dullard even tries to take her home when she gets drunk at a party. What she wants to do is go up to the mountains and stay at the cabin her uncle left to her. The boyfriend tries to tag along, but she manages to abandon him at the side of the road. Before the night is over, she'll wish desperately she had just gone home.


1.青云志 已完结
2.仙剑奇侠传三 已完结
3.小敏家 已完结
4.钟馗传说 已完结
5.中天悬剑 已完结
6.狙击手 已完结
7.生活的波涛 已完结
8.长津湖之水门桥 已完结
10.不会恋爱的我们 更新至第 18 集

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