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The storyline of the film follows several women who volunteer for the Canteen and who must adhere to strict rules of conduct, the most important of which is that while their job is to provide friendly companionship to and be dance partners for the (often nervous) men who are soon to be sent into combat, no romantic fraternization is allowed. One volunteer who confesses to only becoming involved in the Canteen in order to be discovered by one of the Hollywood stars in attendance, ultimately finds herself falling in love with one of the soldiers.
Star appearances range from momentary cameos, such as Johnny Weissmuller, seen working in the canteen's kitchen, to more substantial roles such as Katharine Hepburn, who helps advance the plot.
Most of the cameos were filmed at the studio, but a number of spots -- Benny Goodman's, for example -- were filmed in New York City.


1.青云志 已完结
2.仙剑奇侠传三 已完结
3.小敏家 已完结
4.钟馗传说 已完结
5.中天悬剑 已完结
6.狙击手 已完结
7.长津湖之水门桥 已完结
8.生活的波涛 已完结
9.不会恋爱的我们 更新至第 18 集

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